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27 February 2018
Our WWTP Design Tool is a groundbreaking, user-friendly online tool which makes designing wastewater treatment plants easier than ever - and it is free to use!
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Trudi Schifter
Founder & CEO
Featured Products
Water for the Environment - New Book by The University of Melbourne
Water for the Environment is the first book that covers the entire lifecycle of environmental water management in one volume. It is aimed primarily at environmental water practitioners who need to navigate this increasingly complex space.
NIROBOX Containerized Seawater Desalination Systems
NIROBOX SW is a modular, high-output and highly-efficient seawater desalination solution that offers pre-treatment reverse osmosis and energy recovery device (ERD) – all housed in a single, self-contained 40 foot shipping container.
SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer
The SL1000 Protable Parallel Analyzer by Hach is user-friendly, saves time, provides automation and internal temperature control. It performs up to four colorimetric and two probe-based measurements simultaneously.
Constant Water Systems
Constant Water is a backup water supply which ensures you always have a ready supply of fresh, potable water for any water-out condition. The systems are available with 40, 80 and 120 gallon tanks; and multiple tanks can be linked together to meet increased water requirements.
Editor's Choice
The Water Network team had the pleasure to interview Serge Pittet, the General Manager of the Race for Water Foundation. Mr. Pittet talks about plastic waste in the oceans, how it endangers environmental and human health, and how we can prevent it.
Megan Galloway is designing a wetland for treatment of grey water from showers at a charcoal factory in central Namibia where 200 people shower per day. She would appreciate your advice and experience with similar projects.
Silvia Cardascia is looking for evidence-based and cutting-edge solutions to the Cape Town water crisis. She is asking if anyone has any ideas on how to help relieve the crisis and contribute to one of the nowadays most buzzing topics in the water sector.
Jim Lauria blogs about how cryptocurrencies redefined the relationship between water and money. Water used to be tied to financial markets primarily by utility stocks and municipal bonds but cryptocurrencies are more direct and the cryptocurrency blockchain starts and ends at the watershed.
Duško Balenović has made a compilation of the news water experts cannot afford to miss. Stay up-to-date with the latest events and updates from the industry with this concise summary of the biggest stories in the water sector.
Featured Jobs
ClearCove Systems
Rochester, NY, United States
Response due date: 30 March 2017
Location: Florida, United States
Response due date: 02 March 2017
Location: Alberta, Canada